Sunday, November 16, 2014

Reverse Aging FREE BLOG!

Aging, the build up of negative energies

Chemicals, toxins and parasites are the culprits behind aging. Chemicals cause distortion in genetics and cell reproduction. While toxins such as fat contaminate the body and stop cells and organs from functioning properly which leads to degradation of the body.
Parasites are the living energy drainers that create cravings for anything unnatural to the body. What is natural?
Tropical Nature is the most natural place for the human body. Humans are fruigivores meaning that the body is designed to absorb fruit juice, water and fertilize fruit trees.
When other things enter the human body rather than what the body was designed to absorb the result is aging.

In reverse aging a great place to start is cleansing the inside. Enemas and Colonics are wonderful for cleaning out rotting junk and parasites inside.
Most signs of aging are signs of  malnutrition and build up. The body is no longer assimilating energies like it should when the colon is caked with meats, breads, pastas, dairy, worms...

Minerals when used in excess like salt cause irritation/itching in the eyes and wet parts of the body.
Parasites cause the victim to feel tired and when being starved they can cause hallucinations.

The Whole-Mono-Fruitarian diet is most effective in reverse aging. In this diet one consumes only good tasting non processed organic fruits :)

Not sure you can live off of just fruit? Think about this,

Love & Light!

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