Thursday, November 14, 2013

Live as Christ Daily

This morning after reading from 1 Peter 1 & 1:12 I told my wife I had something better to share with her that would minister to her. It was Heb 11:1 A Faith chapter talking about Abraham our prior (to Jesus) father of Faith. I described how despite his age & that his wife had never been pregnant yet he believed he was the Father of many nations. That is what his new name meant!
Abe saw in his thoughts, imaginations, that he was already the father of many nations without a child. He saw the final end before it happened, he had hope & vision from the prophesy. This faith: hope in what he did not see with his physical eyes yet but inspite of that he trusted God, is what pleased God. The trust in Daddy from His heart brought Him unconditional favor or Grace (Jesus!). Trust pleases God. We are told to trust Him in Prov. 3:5-6.
Putting into practice:
Yesturday my wife was manifesting things that we identified as flesh. Apostle Paul states that your flesh is dead dead dead! The Word of God says it is dead. We conclude there than should be no fruits of the flesh manifesting or present in the lives of those who believe this.
When one believes that their flesh died from a heart level, they are constantly reminded of this and they stop doing the old ways of the flesh. They feel joy and release, freedom every time they are faced with something where their flesh used to react!
The flesh is dead is half of what we hear in the Gospel. The second half is now we are resurrected with Christ Jesus and now are living His life as Him!
Believe this as Abram believed he was Abraham, a Father of many nations. The fruit of believing this with your whole heart looks like perfection!

Law versus Grace round 1

Sermon notes by Jordan Hanson
God wants us to be totally dependent upon Him
We are righteous and Holy when we are listening to and obeying His voice. You are a sinner when you are not listening to and or obeying His voice.
You see the whole message of the Bible is dependance upon God that comes from His Love for you.
When people think that they are Holy, righteous, & love apart from God (law), by them selves or by the law God will tell them, “be not deceived you are a sinner, John” “Who are you? Did not I create you?” “I made you to be in a dependent relationship with me, Love relationship.
On the other side, when someone says that they are a unrighteous sinner and see that they stand condemned, God will comfort them and reveal when they are ready that they are Holy righteous, spotless because of Jesus, the Cross.
The whole purpose of the Cross is to draw men from themselves, self-centeredness, and to God, God-centeredness. God getting the Glory means that we have relationship with God by acknowledging what he’s given and that’s why what we do is so perfect.
If someone is hurting someone else because they are in pride, Daddy will come and debase them with the law to show them that they need Him to see what they are really doing and who they are really acting like, the truth.
God will show you when you are acting like the devil.
The devil simply wants to do without God and instead to be in the place of God. = Envy
Striving & Envy are done away with through dependent or Cross based relationship with the one true God (there is only really One).
My family saw error in me professing that I am righteous Holy, or perfect because by myself without God I would be. (But I’m not without) They felt secure in knowing that when they see themselves as sinners and debase themselves that God would lift them up.
This is true. God lifts up the humble and humbles those who are in pride.
Those who think that they are perfect without God are always in pride.
But when you listen to Gods voice once you learn how to hear, if you do what He says and imitate Jesus, “I do only what I see the Father do, I see only what the Father sees, I say only what I hear the Father say” how can you not do something that is perfect.
“Be transformed by the renewing of your minds” is talking about us being transformed from something that is imperfect to SOMEONE who is perfect.
The more you hear ,listen to, obey the voice of God, the more perfect you become.
The key that makes man perfect is loving God. Loving God is wanting, yearning to hear His voice and once hearing His voice taking delight in His Word and doing what He says and simply being like Him (be ye imitators of God).
We believe that God speaks to man.
We believe/know that God speaks to man today.
We know that God speaks to us.
We know that God is speaking to you.
We know that you can and have heard His voice.
We know that He knows you better than you know yourself.
We know that He really wants you to hear Him
We know that He really wants you to know Him.
We know that He loves you and wants to be friends with you.
We know that He wants to be best friends with you and talk to you every day.
We know that he wants to give you good things.
We know that He wants to entertain you, make you smile, laugh, be happy and joyful.
We know He truly Loves you with passion, he desires you to love Him but will love you no matter what you think say or do to Him.
He wants to win you to total dependance upon Him and not on you or anything else any more!
There is Nothing better, than the true God who Is love and has first loved Us!
When you see yourself with God, you will see yourself as good just and perfect. When you are with God, or in relationship with Him this is true!
If you are seeing yourself this way without Him, you will find yourself deceived and the opposite is true!
Everyday, let every moment, be a walk of total dependance upon Father God, who is true Love!
Truly, Truly, He first loved us!
Don’t stray to the left or right, black or white, (right or wrong, perfection or imperfection, wormy mess) stay on the strait and narrow which is totall dependance dependence in your relationship with the One True God!